Articles scientifiques

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  • add remove2024

    Kikpa, R., Ismaël, M., Dupras, J. (2024) Analyse de la dynamique d’occupation des écosystèmes littoraux de l’aire protégée communautaire de la Bouche du Roy au Bénin. Vertigo, 23(3). DOI: 10.4000/11pd8

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    Goyette, J.O., Mendes, P., Cimon-Morin, J., Dupras, J., Pellerin, S., Poulin, M. (2024) Using the Ecosystem Serviceshed concept into conservation planning for more equitable outcomes. Ecosystem Services, 66(2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2024.101597

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    Izquierdo-Tort, S., Alatorre, A., Arroyo-Gerala, P., Shapiro-Garza, E., Naime, J., Dupras, J. (2024). Exploring local perceptions and drivers of engagement in biodiversity monitoring among participants in payments for ecosystem services schemes in southeastern Mexico. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14282

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    Lévesque, A., Bissonnette, J.-F., Vansintjan, A. et Dupras, J. (2024). Conflicting perspectives on ecosystem conservation in a cultivated floodplain: the role of science and the challenge of pluralism in decision-making in Lac Saint-Pierre (Quebec, Canada). Environmental Policy & Governance. DOI: 10.1002/eet.2095

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    Carol-Aristizabal, M., Dupras, J., Messier, C., Sousa-Silva, R. (2024). Which tree species best withstand urban stressors? Ask the experts. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 50:1. DOI: 10.48044/jauf.2023.026  

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  • add remove2023

    Tello, E., Sacristán, V., Cattaneo, C., Olarieta, J.R., Marull, J., Pons, M., Gingrich, S., Krausmann, F., Galán, E., Marco, I., Padró, R., Guzmán, G.I., González de Molina, M., Cunfer, G., Watson, A., MacFadyen, J., Fraňková, E., Aguilera, E., Infante-Amate, J., Soto, D., Parcerisas, L, Dupras, J., Diez, L., Caravaca, J., Gómez, L., Fullana, O., Murray, I., Jover, G., Cuss, X. (2023) Assessing the energy trap of industrial agriculture in North America and Europe: 82 balances from 1830 to 2012. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:75. DOI: 

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    Kikpa Bio, R., Dupras, J. (2023) Analysis of the Institutional Framework for the Management of Community Areas Through the Prism of Institutional Bricolage: The Case of Benin’s Bouche du Roy. International Journal of the Commons, 17(1), pp. 331–346. DOI:  

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    Lévesque, A., Fouqueray, T., Dupras, J. (2023). Beyond setting conservation targets: Q-method as a powerful tool to collectively set an action plan agenda. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 4:1097360. DOI:

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    Rademacher, T., Cliche, M., Bouchard, É., Sassamoto Kurokawa, S. Y., Rapp, J., Deslauriers, A., Messier, C., Rossi, S., Dupras, J., Filotas, É, Delagrange, S. (2023). On the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring. Forest Ecology and Management, 535(2023), 120896. DOI:

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    Fouqueray, T.*, Lévesque, A.*, Turgeon, K., Bissonnette, J. F., Calmé, S., & Dupras, J. (2023). Remote participatory research has logistical benefits, but presents scientific and ethical challenges. Environmental Research Letters, 18(2023), 021002, DOI:

    *contribution égale

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  • add remove2022

    Lévesque, A., Gagné, L., & Dupras, J. (2022). Expressing citizen preferences on endangered wildlife for building socially appealing species recovery policies: A stated preference experiment in Quebec, Canada. Journal for Nature Conservation69, 126255.

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    Izquierdo Tort, S., Corbera, E., Martins, A., Carabias Lillo, J., Dupras, J. (2022). Contradictory distributive principles and land tenure govern benefit-sharing of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Chiapas, Mexico. Environmental Research Letters 17: 055009.

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  • add remove2021

    Zhao, N., Prieur, J.F., Liu, Y., Kneeshaw, D., Morasse-Lapointe, E., Paquette, A., Zinszer, K., Dupras, J., Villeneuve, P.J.,Rainham, D.G., Lavigne, E, Chen, H., van den Bosch, M., Oriamo, T., Smargiassi, A. (2021) Not just the number of trees – an assessment of the impacts of urban tree features on environmental noise in Montreal, Canada. Environmental Research 202: 111887.


    Sousa-Silva R., Smargiassi, A., Kneeshaw, D. Dupras, J., Zinszer, K., Paquette, A. (2021) Strong variations in urban allergenicity riskscapes due to poor knowledge of tree pollen allergenic potential. Scientific Reports 11: 10196.


    Lévesque, A., Kermagoret, C., Poder, G. T., L’Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., He, J. , Sauvé, S. et Dupras, J. (2021) Financing on-farm ecosystem services in southern Quebec, Canada: A public call for pesticides reduction. Ecological Economics 184: 106997.

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    Jacob, C., Bernatchez, P., Cusson, M., Dupras, J. (2021) Not just an engineering problem: the role of knowledge and understanding of ecosystem services for adaptive management of coastal erosion. Ecosystem Services. 23(1) : 114-129.


    L’Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., Dupras, J., He, J., Auclair, J., Kermagoret, C., Poder, T. (2021). The economic value of the Ottawa region Green Network. PlosOne. 16(1): e0245045.

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    Francoeur, X., Dagenais, D., Paquette, A. Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2021) Complexifying the urban lawn improves heat mitigation and arthropod biodiversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 60: 127007.

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    Izquierdo-Tort, S., Corbera, E., Barceinas Cruz, A., Naime, J., Vázquez-Cisneros, P.A., Carabias Lillo, J., Castro-Tovar, E., Ortiz Rosas, F., Rubio, N., Torres Knoop, L., Dupras, J. (2021) Local responses to design changes in payments for ecosystem services in Chiapas, Mexico. Ecosystem Services, 50, 101305.


    Sauvé, S. Lamontagne, S., Dupras, J., Stahel, W. (2021) Circular Economy of Water: Tackling Quantity, Quality and Footprint of Water. Environmental Development, 39: 100651.


    Zaga Mendez, A., Kolinjivadi, V., Bissonnette J.F. et Dupras, J. (2021). Towards collective action in ecosystem services governance: The recognition of social interdependencies in three collective agri-environmental initiatives in Quebec. Ecosystem services. 51: 101357

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    Wood, S.L.R., Dupras, J. (2021). Increasing functional diversity of the urban canopy for climate resilience: Potential tradeoffs with ecosystem services? Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 58: 126972.

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    Jacob, C., Dupras, J. (2021) Institutional bricolage and the application of the No Net Loss policy in Quebec: Can we really engender “social fit” for more sustainable land use planning? » Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 23 : 114-129.

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  • add remove2020

    Schinck, M.-P., L’Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., Leroux, J., Kermagoret, C., Dupras, J. (2020) Risk, Drinking Water and Harmful Algal Blooms: A Contingent Valuation of Water bans. Water Resources and Management. 34, 3933–3947.

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    Lévesque, A., Bélanger, N., Thomas, P., Filotas, É. et Dupras, J. (2020) From white to green gold: Digging into the public expectations and preferences for ecological restoration of asbestos mines in southeastern Quebec, Canada. The Extractive Industries and Society, 7(4) : 1411-1423.

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    Pelletier-Guittier, C., Théau, J. et Dupras, J. (2020) Use of woody linear features as wildlife corridor by mammals in an agricultural landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 302, 107079.

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    Landry, F., Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2020). Convergence of urban forest and socio-economic indicators of resilience: A study of environmental inequality in four major cities in eastern Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning. 202. 103856.

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    Kolinjivadi, V., Bissonnette, J.F., Zaga Mendez, A., Dupras, J. (2020). Would you like some fries with your ecosystem services?: McDonaldization and conservation in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Geoforum. 111. 73-82.

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    Ouellet, F., Mundler, P., Dupras, J., Ruiz, J. (2020). “Community developed and farmer delivered.” An analysis of the spatial and relational proximities of the Alternative Land Use Services program in Ontario. Land Use Policy. 95. 104629.

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    Zaga-Mendez, A., Kolinjivadi, V., Bissonnette, J.-F., & Dupras, J. (2020). Mixing Public and Private Agri-Environment Schemes: Effects on Farmers Participation in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 296–312.

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    He, J., Dupras, J., Ndefo, F., Poder, T. (2020), Payment and provision consequentiality in voluntary contribution mechanism: separate or joint effects? Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences.

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  • add remove2019

    Chion, C., Lagrois, D., and Dupras, J. (2019) A Meta-Analysis to Understand the Variability in Reported Source Levels of Noise Radiated by Ships From Opportunistic Studies. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:714.

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    Guertin, M. A., Poirier-Ghys, G., Rajotte Sauriol, G. et Dupras, J.  (2019). L’éducation relative à l’environnement dans la Réserve de biosphère du mont Saint-Hilaire : observations et tensions. Éducation relative à l’environnement 15 (1).

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    Lévesque, A., Dupras, J., Bissonnette, J.F. (2019) The Pitchfork or the Fishhook: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective Towards Intensive Farming in Floodplains, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 63(11): 1987-2003.

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    Wood SLR, Alam M and Dupras J (2019) Multiple Pathways to More Sustainable Diets: Shifts in Diet Composition, Caloric Intake and Food Waste. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 3(89).

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    He, J., Enomana, H., Dupras, J., Kermagoret, C., Poder, T. (2019) Measuring Recreation Benefit Loss under Climate Change with Revealed and Stated Behavior Data: The Case of Lac Saint-Pierre World Biosphere Reserve (Québec, Canada) Environmental Management 64(6): 746-756.

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    L’Ecuyer-Sauvageau, C., Kermagoret, C., Dupras, J., He, J., Poder, T., Leroux, J., Schinck, M.P. (2019) Understanding the preferences of water users in a context of cyanobacterial blooms in Quebec. Journal of Environmental Management, 248: 109271.

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    Kolinjivadi, V., Zaga Mendez, A., Dupras, J. (2019) Putting nature ‘to work’ through Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Tensions between autonomy, voluntary action and the political economy of agri-environmental practice. Land Use Policy 81 : 324-33.

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    Tabaichount B, Wood SLR, Kermagoret C, Kolinjivadi V, Bissonnette JF, Zaga Mendez A, Dupras J (2019) Water quality trading schemes as a form of state intervention: Two case studies of state-market hybridization from Canada and New Zealand. Ecosystem Services 36: 100890.

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    Kolinjivadi V, Van Hecken G, Vela Almeida D, Dupras J, Kosoy N (2019). Neoliberal performatives and the “making” of payments for ecosystem services (PES). Progress in Human Geography 43(1) : 3-25.

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    Simard C, Bissonnette, JF, L’Ecuyer-Sauvageau C, Dupras J (2019) Le rôle des infrastructures vertes dans l’adaptation aux changements climatiques : des espaces verts publics comme solution permanente d’adaptation aux inondations. Le Naturaliste canadien 143(1): 25–31

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    Teitelbaum S, Montpetit A, Chion C, Bissonnette JF, Chiasson G, Doyon F, Dupras J, Fortin MJ, Leclerc E, St-Amour C, Tardif J (2019) Studying Resource-Dependent Communities Through a Social-Ecological Lens? Examining Complementarity with Existing Research Traditions in Canada. Society & Natural Resources 32(1): 93-112.

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  • add remove2018

    Kermagoret C*, Dupras J* (2018) Coupling spatial analysis and economic valuation of ecosystem services to inform the management of an UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. PlosOne. 13(11): e0205935. *contribution égale

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    Bissonnette, J.F., Blouin, D., Dupras, J., Chion, C., Bouthillier, L. (2018). Community forests in North America: Comparing polycentric configurations for adaptive governance. International Journal of the Commons 12(1): 352-377.

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    Bissonnette, J.F., Dupras, J., Messier, C., Gonzalez, A., Paquette, A., Lechowicz, M., Dagenais, D., Jaeger, J. (2018) Moving forward in implementing green infrastructures: Stakeholder perceptions of opportunities and obstacles in a major North American metropolitan area. Cities 81: 61-70.

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    Parcerisas, L., Dupras, J., (2018) From mixed-farming to intensive agriculture. Energy profiles of Quebec’s agriculture between 1871 and 2011. Regional Environmental Change 18(4): 1047-1057.

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    Martin-Guay MO, Paquette A, Dupras J, Rivest D. (2018) The new green revolution: agricultural intensification by intercropping. Science of the Total Environment, 615:767-772.

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    Dupras, J., Laurent-Luchetti, J., Revéret, J.P., DaSilva, L. (2018) Using Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiment to Value the Impacts of Agri-environmental Practices on Landscape Aesthetics. Landscape Research 43(5): 679-695.

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  • add remove2017

    Dupras, J. (2017) Cost of living. Alternatives Journal 43:1, 36-39.

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    Tardif, J., Bissonnette, J.F., Dupras, J. (2017) La participation publique dans la gestion des forêts du Québec: réorganisation de la concertation régionale dans un contexte institutionnel en transition. The Forestry Chronicle 93(1): 58-70.

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    Chion, C., Lagrois, D., Turgeon, S., McQuinn, I., Michaud, R., Ménard, N., Parrott, L., Dupras, J. (2017) Underwater acoustic impacts of shipping management measures: Results from a social-ecological model of boat and whale movements in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Ecological Modelling 354: 72-87.

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    Bissonnette, J.F., Dupras, J., Chion, C., Tardif, J., Doyon, F. (2017) Perceptions of family forest owners’ adaptive capacity to global change and climate change: views from a heterogeneous population in Southern Quebec, Canada. Small Scale Forestry. 16(3): 367-393.

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  • add remove2016

    Poder, T., Dupras, J., Ndefo, F., He, J. (2016) The economic value of the Greater Montreal Blue Network (Quebec, Canada): a contingent ranking study to estimate non market-aquatic ecosystem services benefits. PlosOne, 11(8): e0158901  


    He, J., Dupras, J., Poder, T. (2016) The value of Wetlands in Quebec : a comparison between contingent valuation and choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. doi: 10.1080/21606544.2016.1199976

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    Lavallée, S., Dupras, J. (2016) Réflexions sur les systèmes de paiement pour services écosystémiques en milieu agricole au Québec. Développement durable et territoires 7(1).

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    Dupras, J., Marull, J., Parcerisas, L., Coll, L., Gonzalez, A., Girard, M., Tello, E. (2016) The impacts of urban sprawl on ecological connectivity in the Montreal Metropolitan Region. Environmental Science & Policy 58: 61-73.

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    Connolly, M., Dupras, J., Séguin, C. (2016) An Economic Perspective on Rock Concerts and Climate Change: Should Carbon Offsets Compensating Emissions be Included in the Ticket Price? Journal of Cultural Economics 40(1): 101-126.

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    Dupras, J., Patry, C., Tittler, R., Gonzalez, A., Alam, M., Messier, C. (2016) Management of vegetation under electric distribution lines will affect the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Land Use Policy 51: 66-75.

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    Alam, M., Dupras, J., Messier, C. (2016) A Framework towards a Composite Indicator for Urban Ecosystem Services. Ecological Indicators 60 : 38-44.

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    Dupras, J., Parcerisas, L., Brenner, J. (2016) Using ecosystem services valuation to measure the economic impacts of land-use changes on the Spanish Mediterranean coast (El Maresme, 1850-2010). Regional Environmental Change 16(4): 1075-1088. 

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  • add remove2015

    Dupras, J., Alam, M. (2015) Urban Sprawling and Ecosystem Services: A Half-Century Perspective in the Montreal Region (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 17(2) : 180-200.

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    Dupras, J., Alam, M. J. Revéret. (2015) Economic Value of Greater Montreal’s Non-Market Ecosystem Services in a Land Use Management and Planning Perspective. The Canadian Geographer/ Le géographe canadien. 59 (1) : 93-106. Article

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    He, J., Moffette, F., Fournier, R., Revéret, J.P., Théau, J., Dupras, J., Boyer, J.P., Varin, M. (2015) Meta-Analysis for the Transfer of Economic Benefits of Ecosystem Services Provided by Wetlands within Two Watersheds in Quebec, Canada. Wetland Ecology and Management 23 (4) : 707-725.

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    Dupras, J., Drouin, C., André, P., Gonzalez, A. (2015) Towards the establishment of a green infrastructure in the region of Montreal (Quebec, Canada). Planning Practice and Research 30(4) : 355-375.

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  • add remove2014

    Alam, M., Olivier, A., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., Revéret, J.P., Messier, C. (2014) A general framework for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services of tree-based intercropping systems. Agroforestry Systems. 88 : 679-691.

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